Tuesday, November 14, 2006

BPEL Development

This documentation from the Oracle BPEL Process Manager administration webinar, explains the new features in Oracle BPEL PM 10.1.3 that simplifies deployment into different environments such as DEV, TEST and PROD. ( simplifies is an understatement )

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Oracle Application Server Completes Common Criteria Security Evaluation

Oracle Application Server 10g has achieved Common Criteria (ISO/IEC 15408) Evaluation Assurance Level 4+ (EAL4+)

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Monday, July 31, 2006

Document Exchange vs. RPC models

Here is a good discussion on Document Exchange vs. RPC models

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Friday, April 14, 2006

Ruby on Rails on Oracle: A Simple Tutorial

Rails is easy to work with to create simple applications, like Oracle Application express it is a far better than the Microsoft options.

Read more at www.oracle.com/technolo...

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

- Google News

Oracle buys Portal Software (Billing system ISV) for USD220M

Read more at news.google.se/news?hl=...

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Object Role Modeling

I worked with the Visual Studio ORM tools earlier so I think the following is good news:


NORMA (Neumont ORM Architect) is a new modeling tool under development that supports the next generation of ORM (ORM 2). Implemented as an open-source plug-in to Microsoft's Visual Studio.NET 2005, NORMA requires at least the standard version of Visual Studio 2005. For further details on the ORM 2 graphical notation, see ORM 2 Technical Report 1. A technical preview of NORMA is available on SourceForge. The software is currently in the pre-beta stage, but extensive functionality enhancements and user-interface improvements are planned for the near future. Currently the tool supports entry of ORM2 schemas, verbalization of of most constraints, and code generation (for basic constraints) to a variety of DBMSs (including SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, and PostgreSQL) as well as class models and XML schema. NORMA is capable of importing ORM schemas entered in Visio for Enterpise Architects, but the diagrams need to be laid out manually.


Read more at www.orm.net/index.html

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Friday, March 31, 2006

Routing around the WS-* vendor stacks (Loud Thinking)

This is a link to an intresting article, quotes includes:

"The gulf between Web Services™ and web services have been widening as of late. HTTP awareness is on the rise, atompub is shining a light for best-practice REST, and the complexity of the WS-* stack is reaching astronautical heights.>>A comment in to the post states: >>So SOAP feels more like the doorknob to the gates of hell. In itself, a doorknob is hardly evil. But once you turn... :)"

Read more at www.loudthinking.com/ar...

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Friday, March 24, 2006

Oracle BPEL PM and Biztalk interop

See this link for a Biztalk - and Oracle BPEL PM & Security WS example:

1. See this microsoft technote on Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE

2. For MSMQ interop see

3. BizTalk Adapters for JMS,

4. iWAY MSMQ adapter

5. Custom .NET code to access an Oracle Streams AQ

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

APPS: Finding Flexfields per table

This SQL gave me a nice report on Oracle Apps flexfields used in a set of tables:

select distinct
on fdf.application_id = fcu.application_id
and fdf.descriptive_flexfield_name = fcu.descriptive_flexfield_name
left outer join APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS fvs
where fdf.application_table_name in (....list_of_tables...)
order by 1,2,3

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

DVM in Oracle BPEL PM

There is a couple of options for Domain value mapping (DVM) in Oracle BPEL PM

A) The XSLT Mapper provides the following database functions for DVM .

1. execute-query() Execute a database query and obtain a result set
2. lookup-table() - Look up a DB table and get a value back

B) Database Adapter

C) Use one of the above to create a BPEL PM Service to do the DVM you need

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AOSD tools for SOA?

Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) is a holistic approach to developing applications with tools (eg AspectJ, Spring AOP) that uses tools that help abstract concern that crosscuts between different domains/objects.

The definition of AOSD is as follows:

AOSD is an emerging paradigm that provides explicit abstractions for concerns that tend to crosscut over multiple system components and result in tangling in individual components. By representing crosscutting concerns or aspects as first-class abstractions, and by providing new composition techniques for combining aspects and components, the modularity of the system can be improved leading to a reduced complexity of the system and easier maintainability.

AOSD is mostly about single systems and SOA is about interaction between systems or enterprise architectures. But I still think that there are AOSD tools that can help when you design your enterprise systems.

One of this tools is presented in the book "Aspect-Oriented Software Development with Use-Cases" Ivar Jacobson and Pan-Wei NG gives us a AOSD extention to the well known and mature use-case-driven approach.

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

glassfish: About GlassFish

"GlassFish is the name for the open source development project for bulding a Java EE 5 application server. It is based on the source code for Sun Java System Application Server PE 9 donated by Sun Microsystems and TopLink persistence code donated by Oracle. " or ... "who needs JBOSS and hibernate..."

Read more at glassfish.dev.java.net/...

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

HowTo: Reinstall/Secure EM DBconsole in 10.2

This is the commands to drop and reinstall the EM DBconsole repository and setup TLS security to secure your "SYS" passwords on the network. (If you only want to secure, start at step 3.)

1. emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop
2. emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create
3. emctl stop dbconsole
5. emctl secure dbconsole
6. emctl start dbconsole

Note that the emca syntax has changed in 10.2. (In 10.1 the commands are emca -x and emca -r ... I think.)

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Data Administration Newsletter

The Data Administration Newsletter avaliable at http://tdan.com seemes to be a good source of information.

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