Thursday, January 24, 2008

Useful links

Some links to blogentries I looked on today:

How to dynamically call a partnerlink:

"In most basic process designs, partner links are static; they refer to a single external process selected by the developer at design time. This approach is appropriate for highly targeted or constrained systems. However, in larger systems business processes are more complex. They interact with multiple external services and define multiple partner links, and some of these partner links might not be known at design time. As a result, all potential callouts and logic for deciding which partner links to use must be built inside the business process itself—unnecessarily complicating that process. Furthermore, as additional partner links are added, the resulting process grows more and more unwieldy, as any changes to the partner links require modification of the entire business process."

How to call a process again over and over again for error managment, caching etc

How to setup java.util.logging.Handler for OC4J

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Oracle and BEA

January 16, 2008: Oracle announces an agreement to acquire BEA Systems.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Oracle® SOA Suite Best Practices Guide 10g Release 3 (

I stumbled on the document "Oracle® SOA Suite Best Practices Guide 10g Release 3 (" dated December 2007 today, intresting!

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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Next-Generation, Grid-Enabled Service-Oriented Architecture

The following two articles gives an insight on how the Tangosol Coherence product has been utilized in the 11g version of Oracle SOA Suite ( I hope )

The Next-Generation, Grid-Enabled Service-Oriented Architecture

Next-Generation Grid-Enabled SOA: Not Your MOM's Bus

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Oracle SOA Suite 11 g - Technology Preview

Here is the link to Oracle SOA Suite 11g - Technical Preview 3

Happy new 2008!

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