Saturday, August 25, 2007

JDeveloper BPEL Assigns messes with your head ?

Have you ever wondered why the BPEL Assigns are "inline" by default? :

Is it because you should not be able to see the contents of the assign without going to the source code?

As we all know the default can be changed to regular dialogs by changing the "Use inline editors" in the "Diagram Properties" dialog:

Still however the dialog does not remember how you resized it the last time so it always pops up in its default size:When I really wanted:

This is really annoying and time consuming, even one of my first hacks saved the state of the window when the application was closed down.

ZMover to the rescue

Since I think this behaviour is really annoying I use ZMover (thanks to Michael M @ Kentor for the tip) to rearange any "Edit Assign" that pops up. So I suggest that you try it out too if you are frustrated with the "Edit Assigns". Sadly it cannot rearrange the spacing of the columns, so that is left as homework (each time you open a large assign).

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