Monday, September 10, 2007

Oracle BPEL Fault Policy Management

IT-eye has a good article on Oracle BPEL Fault Policy Management

I have not found any information on what is possible to do in the "test" tag within a condition, but this article sorts part of that out, the below example does "ora-terminate" for the "INVALID_WSDL" fault code.

<action ref="ora-terminate"/>

Today however I saw a fault code = "null" from an JCA adapter so I need to have a look at what happens when the fault code is null.

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SOA Suite New Features Technote

Oops, I missed this new Technote SOA Suite New Features

From the list of contents:

  • Deploying a Custom Worklist Application and Enabling SSO
  • Changing Workflow Standard View Definitions
  • New Database Views for Oracle Workflow
  • File/FTP Adapter New Features
  • MQSeries Adapter New Features
  • Database Adapter New Features
  • AQ Adapter New Features
  • JMS Adapter New Features
  • Oracle ESB Singleton Behavior for Inbound Adapter Endpoints
  • Decision Service Support for Ilog JRules

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

BPEL Debug "keepGlobalVariables"

In our build platform we use three diffent bpel.xml files to be able to use different settings in each environemnt, ie right now we have a dev, test and prod environment so we have three different files.

  • bpel-dev.xml
  • bpel-test.xml
  • bpel-prod.xml

One setting that we usually use set to true in the development environment and false in the others is the keepGlobalVariables property. In BPEL this is not set to true by default.

If thes variable is set to false you will not be able to see variable data in the BPEL Debugger window for BPEL instances that have compleated and the variable is out-of-scope.

To set the keepGlobalVariables property to true add a problerty with the name keepGlobalVariables as follows:

<!-- .... -->
<BPELProcess src="test.bpel" id="test">
<property name="keepGlobalVariables">true</property>
<!-- .... -->

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