Monday, September 10, 2007

Oracle BPEL Fault Policy Management

IT-eye has a good article on Oracle BPEL Fault Policy Management

I have not found any information on what is possible to do in the "test" tag within a condition, but this article sorts part of that out, the below example does "ora-terminate" for the "INVALID_WSDL" fault code.

<action ref="ora-terminate"/>

Today however I saw a fault code = "null" from an JCA adapter so I need to have a look at what happens when the fault code is null.

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Eric Elzinga said...


In the test-tag you can do an xpath expression on the fault-variable (response from the invoke). I haven't tested yet if you can use functions too. When i have some spare time, i will try to do some tests.

Unknown said...

Since this post, has anyone gotten anything other than an "=" or "!=" to work?

For example, have you tried to use a "contains" like this?
test contains($fault.summary/summary, "a")

Are the options in the condition "test" tag documented anywhere? The Oracle SOA Suite: New Features tech document for just says "XPath Expressions" can be used but I have not been able to get anything other than = or != to work.


olu said...

I do not think so, I put an answer to this thread

Try sending it to a java Action. I think it is possible to get fault from IFaultRecoveryContext.getFault(), inspect it and then take action from there.

See docs at