Monday, November 26, 2007

Teamwork: Feedback

In software development teams it is important to be open and give feedback. I have been trained to give feedback with my feelings, instead of my thoughts, and to focus on a behaviour in a "I" perspective (Not "the group thinks ").

The structure of the feedback is:

When you ...
I feel that ...
This causes ...
I wish that ...

The "I Feel" makes it hard to argue is a true statement...

I also think that it is important to educate my team on feedback reactions.

The Feedback reaction staircase looks likes follows (I guess i neeed an image for this )

___________|Continue or Change

The idea here is that it is important to be able to "catch" feedback in the two uppermost steps, ie it is better to Understand the feedback than to Reject, Defend or Explain your behaviour. It is very,very easy to start explaining your behaviour.


Change – ”I think that was good feedback, I will try to change my behaviour, could you help?"
Continiue – ”I think I have undersood your feedback but I will continue as before because ... "
Understand – ”Yes I understand. Could you explain a bit further.."
Explain – ”Yes, but it was because I was tired”
Defend – ”No, you misunderstood”
Reject – ”I Do not care!"

(This is from the courses)

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